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John Dickerson 

John Dickerson began his career with The Arc of South Dakota in 1973 and on his first day remembers attending a meeting to draft the first statewide rules for special education. He spent five years with The Arc of Indiana from 1974-1979; four years at The Arc of the US from 1979-1983 and returned to The Arc of Indiana as Executive Director from 1983 – 2015.
John has been an advocate for change his entire life, helping design the first Medicaid Waivers in Indiana, helping people transition from state institutions and ICF/DDs, developing solutions to the waiting list and supporting families, people with I/DD and staff see a vision of life in the community.  All of this success he attributes to those who rally to support others and build a better community. 

After a brief adventure in politics, John founded Red Road Ventures and led the development of two apps, Quillo Pro and Quillo Connect. Quillo Pro offers exciting new technology to increase staff retention for organizations supporting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Quillo Connect provides a unique communication platform that connects families and people with IDD to each other and to the IDD system. Quillo is now utilized in 15 states, including Arkansas. 

Session Topics: 

Building a Better Tomorrow Starts Today: Your journey is uniquely yours!  What you want, what you don’t want and learning what’s possible are all possible with some new tools to Build A Better Tomorrow.   Join John and you will have some fun, some smiles and a look at a better tomorrow! 

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